How does it work?

Our scales weigh what is on the location and can thus know how many there are. When you set up a storage location, you calibrate the scale to weigh the specific item and add the packing weight. This is easily entered into the system and translated in your view into the number of items on the location. Then, you set up an order point and alarm point. You can easily see which items need to be ordered in our web interface or use Elly to compile emails to you one or several times a week.

How do we get started?

Getting started with senseStock is fast and easy. We come to you and help you set up the system, it usually only takes a few hours. You will be logged in to your web portal and from there you can see and manage your locations. Together we set up how you want Elly (our warehouse agent) to notify you. You are now ready to go.

Please note that our hardware is completely independent and requires no other connection than a wall outlet. We have no contact with your IT environment, our installation is completely independent and separate.


Our digital agent Elly is there for you and to simplify your everyday life. Together we set up a schedule for what we want Elly to do for you. For example, she can look at a warehouse location one or several times a week and compile an email to your purchase department with the items that need to be replenished. You can easily set up different recipients for different suppliers or, for that matter, send a replenishment order directly to a supplier.